Dream Jobs

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Chase Oaks Church Audio Specialist

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Working at the Church allows me to get some extra practice and reps with building out larger audio systems. Coupled with the relatively set schedule of Churches I would not mind working at one and getting the chance to network with other audio engineers who have worked at Churches in the past. I have many friends who I work with currently that have worked at Churches and they like it well enough so I would also have plenty of guidance to fall back on.

Sound Engineer House of Blues Dallas

Being a Sound Engineer at the House Of Blues Dallas would not only allow me to get invaluable networking opportunities working with various bands and artists in helping them with their setup and teardown I would also get a lot of opportunities to work on audio within a performance space and maybe level up into going on tour with artists and going on the road.

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Live Broadcast Producer

This is a little bit more of a Pipe Dream as I will need to have much more experience in the Business of Broadcast Production. Currently I am an IPTV Submix Broadcast Contractor for AT&T Stadium but it would be nice to move up in the ranks there. I really enjoy the culture of the stadium and am learning to love football so it would be nice to continue working there for a career.